My business is me, and it is important to me that my business shares my values.
Care for the natural world and compassion for others have been part of who I am for as long as I can remember. Many of my previous job roles have been within the charity sector or working directly with their clients. These principles have always underpinned what I do and the decisions I make, but I wanted to make them explicit, for everyone that I work with.
In the below principles I have noted where I am currently working and what I am still working towards. This is an evolving Charter and I will be adding to it as my business grows and develops.
Principle 1: A Green Office
All office supplies (including the all-important tea and coffee) are of the highest environmental standards that I can find (within a reasonable budget). All paper will be recycled, coffee will be Fairtrade and organic (if obtainable), tea will be loose-leaf or in tea-bags that are 100% paper, printing will be kept to a minimum and where possible printing will be double-sided, printing cartridges will be recycled and I am investigating better reused ones – the last ones I used were of poor quality.
Principle 2: Working with Green Suppliers
My hosting, insurance and energy suppliers will all be replaced by Green suppliers on next renewal.
Principle 3: Giving time to others and sharing my knowledge
Rather than donate money to charities, I donate some of my time each week helping smaller charities. I will also be developing a Social Enterprise Starter admin template pack to share with all new start-up Social Enterprises.
Principle 4: More than a living wage
Everyone I work with will be paid more than a living wage. I will not work with agencies that encourage quoting very low prices.
Principles 5: Respect for all and excellent customer service
Effective communication is vital to business and can be tricky in this digital age. All emails sent to me personally (rather than any marketing materials sent to a mailing list) will receive a response in 48 hrs, even if to say sorry I do not need your services right now.
Created with the very kind help of:-